How To Budget A 15k Salary

So you’re getting a 15k salary?

I know it sounds so little but everyone starts from somewhere and you just have to work with what you have. For starters, do not compare yourself to anyone else and do not try to live a fake life if you want a meaningful life. Here is the budget I came up with for your 15k salary.

1. Rent-5k

I would highly suggest you stay at home or cost share with a friend. The cheapest places you can get a place to stay at are in Eastlands or places like Kawangware where you can get a sq for 5k. Again you can share the space with someone you trust and split the rent 2,500 each because remember there’s electricity to pay for and probably water. If you’re staying at home or a place you don’t have to pay rent, it’s better.

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2. Shopping -2k

When you’re shopping buy things you actually need. If you’re still staying at home it means you only have to prioritize your personal needs, so buy things like lotion, deodorant and pads if you’re a lady. If you stay alone you need to buy things that are running out, like soap, toothpaste, tissue etc. Always buy what you need not what you want, wants are things like snacks a queen cake is a want not a need. Keep 2k aside for shopping.

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3. Food-3k

Shop for food weekly. Checkout my 1k budget for food here. Also, you can choose to reduce your budget to a vegetarian menu which will be a lot cheaper. Monthly, you could spend 4k on food but please do not eat out. If you stay at home and you need to contribute choose to buy things that don’t need to be bought every now and then. So buy rice instead of bread which has to be bought every other day.

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4. Transport-3k

Only use a cab at night, if you’re coming from work ask a friend if you can carpool or basically always use a matatu they are cheaper. Keep 3k aside for transport for the whole month. If you’re not scared of nduthis, you can also use those.

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5. Personal use-2k

So like your hair, airtime, leisure and other things you may need.

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6. Savings?

It’s a lot easier to save if you don’t have to pay rent. So if you’re not paying rent you can put your 5k here so you can still save a lot depending on your needs.

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